Saturday, August 15, 2009

Woodward Cruise

(We had a nice shady parking spot)
(Very excited about Mustang Alley)

(Got to see the Mustang)
(Got a tattoo)

(Tried a pickle, cried when we took it away)
We had a busy day down on 9 mile in Ferndale. We hooked up with over 500 Mustangs down at Mustang Alley and had a great day. We had the perfect spot in the shade facing the exit so we leave when we wanted. Everyone that walked by was sweating through their clothes and we just sat there in comfort. Ana was happy, took a few good naps, ate her bananas, and had a few new experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Well she past the famliy pickle test. Still need to do the olive one down the line! Just remember you started her on her first tatoo even though it was a rub on!!! A baby that can sleep ANYWHERE is a treasure. What a dolly! Oh, that is another name I call her.
